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 MRMHS School Counselors
Samantha Sestito            (603)352-6575 x6754 or 903-6754
Grades 7-8
A through Z
Kelsey Kilburn           (603)352-6575 x 6709 or 903-6709
Grades 9-12 
A through K
Bethany Maynard                                                              (603)352-6575 x6713 or 903-6713
Grades 9-12 
L through Z
Karin Willson
Administrative Assistant            (603)352-6575 x6708 or 903-6708
Registrar &
     Transcript Requests

For Juniors and Seniors: up to three college visits per school year are considered excused absences on a school day.   Please submit an email or copy of a letter from the college that shows the date of the visit for your student and the absence will be considered "excused" versus "unexcused". Thank you.
Please note the following guidance dates for September and October:
  • TBA Mini College Fair in Cafeteria during WIN for grades 9-12.
  • TBA Grade Nine college/career presentations
  • TBA Grade 10 college and career presentation
  • TBA Grade 11 college and career presentations
  • TBA college applications due in Guidance