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Library Procedures

Circulation Procedure

  • Loan Period:  The regular loan period for library materials is for ten school days, except for current magazines and newspapers, and reference materials. Most reference materials can be signed out overnight, including dictionaries and encyclopedias.  Audiovisual materials (such as DVDs), if not used by classroom teachers, may be signed out for two weeks. 
  • Renewal Procedure: Items may be renewed if they have not been reserved by another student or faculty member.
  • Newspapers: The most recent issues of our daily papers are kept at the Front Desk and on the rack by the armchairs in the middle of the library. Articles may be cut out of the newspapers on the shelves under the Graphic Novel collection (look for the butterfly mosaic). The Library currently subscribes to two newspapers: Keene Sentinel (login required for e-edition and some articles) and The New York Times (login required). Specific newspaper articles are also available when using the following periodical indexes: EBSCO's Newspaper Source, and (only accessible here at school).
  • Magazines: The library currently subscribes to a number of magazines. Magazines are kept up at the Circulation desk, and may be checked out for one week at a time. Specific magazine articles are also available when using the following periodical indexes: EBSCO's Newspaper Source, MAS Ultra-School Edition, (only accessible while at school). Articles or pictures may be cut out of the magazines found in the boxes at the back of the library.
  • Return Procedure: Library materials should be returned by their due date. Drop them in the return slot at the front desk anytime during the school day. Fines are not charged for overdue materials. However, overdue notices are issued if materials are not returned on time. Notices will be handed out to you during your WIN period. Failure to discuss missing books can result in a detention.
  • A week after the second notice, a detention will be issued. If all items are returned or paid for by the detention, the detention will not have to be served. Students will be charged the replacement cost of the lost item. If you cannot afford the fee, an alternative solution will be arranged with Mrs. Charlefour, at her discretion. Loss of some library privileges and a letter home to parents are the final steps.

Library Use Procedure

Students are encouraged to use the library for appropriate reasons, which included (but limited to) studying, conducting research, using the library's Chromebooks, looking for a book to read, and as a space to work on group projects. The library does keep an assortment of supplies to aid in completing projects, including notebook paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, markers, scissors, tape, glue, and more. Just ask for the supplies needed at the Circulation Desk.

During the school day, students should come to the library with a pass from a teacher.  Senior and Junior students with their respective privileges are able to come to the library throughout the day, providing they are not missing their classes, and they may be asked to show their passes.   Only one name on a pass will be accepted, unless the teacher writes all the names on the pass. Students are generally in the library for the entire period, but if they must leave, they will need a signed pass back to class or study.

Food and Drinks are allowed in the library, under the following guidelines: All students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, including putting trash in trash cans, wiping up any messes without complaint, and using their best judgment. Drinks should ideally have a closed top (including straws). If a spill happens, please come up to the Circulation Desk right away and ask for paper towels and if needed, a cleaning wipe. Accidents happen, but I do expect you to be respectful and clean up after yourselves.

Inappropriate use of the library space and resources will result in a verbal warning. If a problem persists, students may be sent to the assistant principal's office.